Mark 1 | Mark 2 | Mark 3 |
- The Doom Cannon is a Prototype Defense that is built in the Weapon Lab.
- Like all Prototype Defenses, it will only last 7 days after it is placed on your base.
- This defense has a very high damage per shot. Only Scorchers are likely to be able to survive a shot from the Doom Cannon.
- It has a very small splash radius.
Offensive Strategy
- Like the Boom Cannon, the Doom Cannon fires very slowly and thus is very vulnerable to massed infantry attacks. This means Riflemen and/or Zookas or a Warrior attack will be your best chance to deal with this defense.
Defensive Strategy
- Try to place Doom Cannons away from Boom Cannons to stop attackers from disabling multiple high damage-per-shot defenses with one Shock Bomb.
- Place Doom Cannons behind splash defenses. This allows them to shoot many times, while at the same time being protected from massed infantry.
- Similar to the Boom Cannon, the Doom Cannon is very effective in damaging high-health troops like Tanks and Scorchers.
Version Differences
- At Mark I, the Doom Cannon appears as a small glowing turret on a red-and-black stand in a pit lined with black railing. A red box and some wires are connected to it.
- At Mark II, the Doom Cannon has a more refined pit wall and red and black covering around the railing.
- At Mark III, the Doom Cannon has more improved covering around the rail, and the lower portion of the stand turns red. A wire is added at the base. The red box is replaced with two gray pipes. A third long pipe also appears at the front.
- The Doom Cannon has the highest damage per second and damage per shot of all the defenses in the game.
- The Doom Cannon could theoretically deal 42,840 damage per shot. It would require the best Defensive Building Damage Masterpiece and 9 of the best Guardians.
- If all ten Statues were boosted with Power Powder, the Doom Cannon would be doing an absurd 69,930 damage per shot.
- If all ten Statues were boosted with Power Powder and the Doom Cannon was next to a mark III Damage Amplifier, the Doom Cannon would do a mind-blowing 85,680 damage per shot, which is almost twice a max-level Scorcher's HP.
- But then again, a Max level Scorcher with fully boosted max Magma troop health statues(1 Masterpiece+9 Guardians) has a whopping 181,460 health, which can withstand 3 of the Doom Cannon's shots.
- If all ten Statues were boosted with Power Powder, the Doom Cannon would be doing an absurd 69,930 damage per shot.
Building Size |
Range |
Attack Speed |
Damage Type |
Splash Radius |
3x3 | 18 | 3.5s | Splash | 0.75 Tiles |
Input total Statue bonuses to modify the statistics in the table below accordingly
Building Health+% | SubmitReset |
Defensive Building Damage+% |
Edifici | |
Edifici di Risorse | Abitazione • Segheria • Cava • Miniera del Ferro • Magazzino per l'Oro • Magazzino della Legna • Magazzino delle Pietre • Magazzino del Ferro • Caveau |
Edifici Difensivi | Torre dei Cecchini • Mitragliatrice • Mortaio • Cannone • Lanciafiamme • Cannone Esplosivo • Lanciarazzi • Lancia-shock • Mina • Mina Esplosiva • Mina Shock • Filo Spinato |
Prototipi Difensivi | Blaster-shock • Fascio Lazor • Cannone della Sventura • Amplificatore Danni • Generatore di Scudo • Sputafiamme • Acchiappatruppe |
Edifici di Supporto | Veicolo da Sbarco • Cannoniera • Scultore • Stoccaggio Statue • Radar • Arsenale • Sottomarino • Laboratorio delle Armi |
Altri Edifici | Quartier Generale • Avamposto • Nucleo Energetico • MMG 9000 • Super Mortaio • Mega Nucleo • Edifici di Rifornimento |