General Information
- Resource Bases are additional bases that are independent of your home base and are scattered throughout the Archipelago.
- Once you uncover one in the Archipelago, you can attack it and destroy it. Once destroyed, you gain ownership of it. Other players can do this too, so you may have to re-conquer a Resource Base whenever it is taken over by other players.
- If you own a Resource Base, you do have the ability to adjust the placement of its buildings, just as you would on your own base.
- Resource Bases that you control will be affected by any Ice Statues you have on your home island. Any boosts on these Statues will also take effect. Tribe bonuses will work as well.
- Every time a Resource Base is taken over, existing Defensive Buildings are upgraded and new Defensive Buildings can appear unless both are not available.
- Shock Launchers, Prototype Defenses, Boom Mines, and Shock Mines will never appear on Resource Bases.
- The Resource production structure will never be upgraded. Each Resource Base island has a fixed production building level from 2 to 8. To get a resource base with a higher level collector building, you will have to conquer a resource base that is farther away from your home base.
- They provide you with shipments of Wood, Stone or Iron (depending on the kind of resource base you have) directly to your island. These shipments can be collected from the Resource Boat that appears just south of your docks.
- The first Wood Resource Base can be found with a level 3 Radar.
- The first Stone Resource Base can be found with a level 6 Radar.
- The first Iron Resource Base can be found with a level 9 Radar.
- You can clear Obstacles on your Resource Bases, such as trees and stones. The Obstacles that are cleared never respawn, even if they are cleared by an opponent when they hold the base.
- Occasionally, you will come across a Resource Base that, instead of being called
"(Player's name)'s Resource Base", is simply called "Resource Base". This is a new Resource Base freshly generated by the game, typically with a low-leveled Outpost. - You can have up to a maximum of 14 Wood, Stone, and Iron bases. The production per hour by conquering all Resource Bases of one type is 15,140.
- Gold is the only resource to lack its respective base, as Freed Villages provide them.
- If a Resource Base does not have any more space to add new defenses and all present defenses are maxed, nothing will happen if it is conquered.
- Resource Bases not yet discovered are teased through the clouds. If tapped, a message will appear saying, "This region has a resource base".
- Resource Bases will never yield Power Stones, Prototype Modules, Intel, or Resources that it does not produce when conquered. They only give the resource it produces. This means that gold will always be lost in an attack, even if you win with no casualties due to the attack cost.
- If you defend a Resource Base, you will not get any Diamonds or Intel from it, even if enough troops are destroyed.
- Pressing the base's icon on your Map will reveal the production rate of its resource type.
- The lowest possible Experience level of a resource base is level three.
- There's an achievement which is called War Production that gives a total of 90 diamonds upon controlling a total of 35 Resource Bases (out of the possible 42).
- Between the 24th of June and the 21th of October 2015, a bug made it possible to create multiple layouts for the Resource Base.
Map of the Archipelago with all Resource Base Locations
View the full-size image here